gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Empowering opportunities for autistic people and others facing barriers.

Contact Us

Supporting equality and empowering opportunities for autistic people and those with learning disabilities. Helping individuals overcome barriers to live a normal life.


123 Main Street, City


Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm

Empower Opportunities

Explore our gallery showcasing the normal lives of autistic individuals.

Two autistic friends sitting outside using stim toys and laughing at their phones
Two autistic friends sitting outside using stim toys and laughing at their phones
Self-portrait of an autistic woman
Self-portrait of an autistic woman
grayscale photo of two person holding hands with wedding rings
grayscale photo of two person holding hands with wedding rings
person wearing orange and white silicone band
person wearing orange and white silicone band
person wearing silver-colored ring
person wearing silver-colored ring
a woman laying on a couch looking at a cell phone
a woman laying on a couch looking at a cell phone